Thursday, 2 February 2012


Can you believe that the first month of 2012 is over!!??

It's been a good month for me as I was back to hometown for CNY and really enjoy myself a lot. A lot of times I've heard people says that how they wish time could pause for a while so that they can enjoy more what they are doing. It's true, especially when you are having a whale of a time with the love one.

Stepping into February, so far so good. I love February which I don't know why. Perhaps it is a short month? Or it is due to Valentine? Or it is because it's my birthday? *hint hint* =)

Last night, the K's sisters went over my place and we had some chat. I date them for birthday dinner on next week and they asked what gift I want for my birthday. I seriously no idea what should I get. I used to do a wishlist and post it publicly but I don't do it anymore now cause it seems very materialistic.

Now I still have wishlist, just that I don't post it publicly and doing it like advertisement (sounds so holy-boly). However, I'm actually hoping to get myself a smartphone though. I would not ask others to give it to me as a birthday gift cause it's too expensive. I rather work and earn some allowance to buy it myself, in that way I would appreciate the phone more as well.

Gift. Hmm.... Everyone love receiving gift isn't it? I love it too especially that moment you going to unwrap it, feeling astonish for not knowing what is it inside. And I guess that's one of the reason why I like to wrap a gift nicely before giving out to someone. It's like an enlightening medicine for the soul :)

Oh well, I think I have to brain storm these 2 days on what should I get for my BIG 19 (",)

happy reading <3

yours sincerely, franfranfranny

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